SparkMusic, FlikTrax and Grooveden

FlikTrax Grooveden SparkMusic

I am very pleased! In the last two weeks my compositions have been tested and accepted by three music libraries!

On the one hand, there is SparkMusic, a completely new provider from China, which mainly works for the local market. The website and the associated licensing portal will only go live in March 2021. I am happy to be part of SparkMusic!

Another provider is FlikTrax from the state of New York, USA. He works with a few composers and producers. So I'm all the more pleased to be accepted here.

The third provider is Grooveden. It has been on the market since 2013, mainly for large and small companies that repeatedly need music for their marketing campaigns in order to use it in film and TV productions.

I am very curious to see how the cooperation will develop in 2021 and, of course, beyond.

SparkMusic: Website will be online in March 2021

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